Towing a Caravan Safety tips
Consett Towbars would like to advise you on Safety Tips. So, you’ve got the right kind of driving license to tow a caravan or trailer and you’ve invested in the proper insurance, but how do you tow a caravan safely?
Consett Towbars, our priority is safety and security when it comes to towing, so we thought we’d let you in on a few safety tips for towing a caravan.
Finding the right towbar for your caravan
All Towbars must be tested to British / European standards and must be Tyre Approved. This means it meets EU regulations and is the right fit for your car.
Speaking of the right fit, your towbar should have mounting points specified by your vehicle’s make and model.
Before you set off
As well as ensuring your rear lighting panel is working and the correct number plate is attached to the caravan, you’ll need to make sure your caravan tyres are in good shape.
When your caravan is in storage it’s a good idea to protect them from the the weather - especially over the winter. Put the caravan on axle stands and take off the wheels and store them in a dry place.
Not only will this give the tyres a break - it’ll also give the suspension a break too! If you’re not too confident about taking the tyres off yourself, simply cover them in tarpaulin or similar sacking material while they’re fixed to the caravan.
Make sure you turn the wheels every few months to even out the stress on the tyres. To check your caravan tyres, look out for any cracks in the tread or any cuts or lumps.
Towing a caravan on the road
One of the most vital aspects of towing a caravan is to take more time with everything when you’re driving. This includes allowing more time to brake, turning corners at a slower speed, using roundabouts with caution and keeping to 60mph on dual carriageways and 50mph on single carriageways.
When you do turn corners, make sure to keep your approach wider than normal otherwise the caravan could hit the kerb or anything else on the corner. You may also have to use extension mirrors on your wing mirrors so you have a clear view of your surroundings. But remember to take off the extension mirrors when you’re not driving with a caravan, because it’s against the law.
Last but not least, if a queue is forming behind you on the road, it’s better to pull over in a safe spot and let the other vehicles pass - you never know if someone may attempt to overtake you!